Faith is George Mueller, father to many orphans, sitting down to a set table with his 'orphan' family to wait for their food, trusting God will bring it.
Faith is expecting God's promises.
Faith is expecting.
Expecting from God, waiting on Him, knowing that He is there and able.
Faith is trusting Him. Trusting Him with your time, talents, abilities, desires, hopes, dreams, family, future, finances.....trusting...relying on Him.
Trust, according to the dictionary...
- Firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing.
- Custody; care.
- Something committed into the care of another; charge.
- To have or place reliance or confidence in...
- To expect with assurance; assume: I trust that you will be on time.
- To believe: I trust what you say.
- To place in the care of another; entrust.
Expecting God with full assurance. Faith is to be so confident that you base your actions on what you believe.
Faith is a spiritual substance. When you have this spiritual substance in you, it communicates to you a certain inner knowing that the thing you are hoping for is certainly established, even before you see any material evidence that it has happened. Through faith we can know we have the answer to our prayer before we see anything change in the natural order (1 John 5:14,15).
Faith is a rest. It is compatible with inner peace. It is not "trying to believe". To say that you are "trying to believe" God is to say that you don't believe Him. The man who is "trying to believe" may be sincere, but he does not have faith in that area yet (
Jesus couldn't do miracles in a certain town because the people lacked faith.
There will be more blogs on faith as I can tell God is trying to build mine more!! :)
This is great honey!