Wednesday, November 7, 2012

This is not a game, but WAR!!


Today in chapel we talked about the Holy Spirit and what role he has in our lives. We heard from a student speaker who is a senior at our school and a godly young man.  One of the statements he said is that 'this is not a game, but war!'

So what does that mean?  When we are following the Holy Spirit we need to be cautious.  The devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.  This means that he watches you. He knows your weak points. He tries to find ways to trip you up.  He will tempt you in many ways, for example, he may push your buttons and you may explode in anger if that is your weak area.  He may bring ads in front of you that are seductive to draw you into thinking about pornography if that is a weak area for you.

So your first step in this WAR is to be aware of your weak areas (or potential ones) and plan ahead how you will COMBAT the enemy in that area and how to PROTECT yourself. 

The second step is stay humble.  There is a verse that says--pride comes before a fall (Proverbs 16:18). I was reading in Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis this morning and he said a humble person will not know he/she is humble. The person will be characterized by thinking of others first and not thinking of him/herself.  A humble person does not think of him/herself as deserving of anything, but of just being surrendered to the Holy Spirit to do God's will for others.

The third step is when/if you do FALL down, get up!  Don't let the enemy defeat you while you are on the ground!  Forgive yourself and ask God to forgive you, know that God loves you and values you and brush yourself off.

Next, plan ahead how you will get up next time, for example, find an accountability person.  Talk to him/her about your weak areas and ask him/her to pray for you and meet with you ongoing about it!  (always recommend-- guys with guys-- and girls with girls --unless you are a married adult--then choose your spouse to share with!)

Remember most of all this illustration of a life following God.  It is like a beautiful, big and glorious tree that is flourishing with fruit that gives you just the right nourishment. It has green leaves all around, huge wonderful fruit hanging low so you can reach it, plush grass on the ground that feels cool and comforting to your feet.  He gives you everything you need right here under this tree as you sit or lay down eating the fruit.   However, a life following the 'ways of the world', the fasad of having the right clothing, hair style, home or home furnishings, car, career, etc. will lead to death.  It is like a dried up grapevine that doesn't produce fruit and has old grapes rotting on the ground already been trappled on by others.  Oh from far away it looks pleasant and amazing, but once you are there--you realize, its not what you thought. There is not nourishment here, only dried up fruit that is being eaten up by worms.  There is also no place to sit or lay down as the old vines and rotting fruit are all over the ground with thorns and rocks underneath.  This place will be barren with no comfort.  It will be the place of death if you stayed there.

Find comfort in the Lord's love this day, follow him wholeheartedly as he is waiting for you.  He does not push himself on anyone, but waits and loves ready to offer all he has to you.  If you ever felt abandoned by him and bitter towards him, remember he never left you.  He never wanted pain and sorrow to be a part of your life and one day he will wipe away every tear and there will be no more sorrow or pain (a favorite verse of one of my students--Rev. 21:4).

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