Sunday, March 13, 2011

Thoughts on parenting.

I have always loved children! I love having them... I love other people's children... I love the teachable spirit of children.  I love that God teaches us about Himself through children. I love seeing Jesus in a child.  Over the years its been a little trying when my kids have shown me my flaws and when I see they can be more patient than me!  Its quite humbling actually to be a parent.  It was also huge when I first realized how vulnerable my children are and how much impact I really have on them! I have found myself asking, how can God trust ME with this sweet, precious child.  Am I going to mess him up? [Look at me, I don't have it all together.]  How in the world do I do this?!  This is just where I realized how much patience and grace God has for me. 

His grace is being shown in immeasurable ways to me lately.  God is not looking for perfection.  He is not looking for me to have it all together. He is looking for a willing heart and willing hands.  He says to go out into the world and be ME [Jesus] to others.  Let me love them through you.  All the bumps and turns in the road are going to bring out His purpose in me and others.  When there is a problem or an issue, guess what?  It will be used to bring me or others closer to Him.  If that problem was not there how can we know what to work on or how to grow closer to the Lord?  He says to rejoice in our trials. I have known that verse for over 30 years and just this past week had to pray it again and choose to rejoice all over again!  Isn't that like our Lord, continuing to shape us and challenge us?  The times of refreshment come when we sit before Him, listening and waiting.  Those are the times to savor. The times to reflect on remembering His presence.  His peace. 

We can have that peace anytime.  Anytime we rest in Him and remember His promises. In the middle of a busy, noisy mommy moment trying to feed her infant and 2 year old at the same time.  In the middle of an argument with her teenager about some serious topic that she worst fears, etc.  His rest is always there and always available to you. 

His rest is in the fact that He knows the future.  He knows the future of our lives.  He knows the trials and the joys to come!  He knows that it shakes me a little to consider adopting a child.  He knows.  He knows what I've been through and the fears that come up at times.  He knows that He is growing my faith again.  He knows that I have to trust Him in this.  He knows that He has called us to the hands and feet of Jesus.  He knows that I am convinced I am His and this is His life - not mine.  He knows that I will wait on Him. He knows that He is going to teach me more about Himself through a child again.  He knows that He will love the child or children through me.  He knows that I am willing to be used.  He knows there are children waiting.  He knows there are children waiting to be loved.  Of any trial or bump in the road that may come, He is BIG enough! He is big enough and all He calls me to do is rejoice in Him and in the trials.  That is all He calls me to do.  REJOICE!......and let Him Love through me. 

1 comment:

  1. What gives me hope is that no matter what my fears, my mess-ups, my inadequacies, or my successes in raising my child....NONE of these things will thwart God's purpose in my child. After all, He loves them more than we do.
    Janet Andrews (Miss Wager)
